Keeping your profile up to date helps us to feed you the most relevant jobs for your skillset and location. The tips below give you a brief overview of a few quick areas which can updated easily from your mobile:
Your Trade Categories
Make sure you have selected all the parent trade categories you wish to be notified of work for. For the Sub-Categories of jobs for a particular Parent Category, you can simply leave the field blank and you will receive notifications for all job categories.

Your Areas
When looking at the Trade Categories you are subscribed to, make sure the Location and Radius for each Category are as you’d like them to be.
*By increasing the Radius from your Location that you are willing to travel within, you can open yourself up to more jobs.

Your Compliance
We’ll keep an eye on when your compliance documents are a month from expiry and send you a first reminder.
*It is best to update these documents as soon as this first reminder appears – we will also send you another when your documents are a day away from expiry, but if we do not receive the updated documents in the 24hrs following that reminder we are unable to send you new jobs.

Your Contact Details
It’s always important to keep your contact details up to date, especially your mobile, email and emergency contact.
*Checking little things like your Timezone setting will make sure we don’t contact you out of hours in your state!
Your Pending Jobs
We will send you regular reminders if you have Pending Jobs which have not been accepted or declined, however to lock in a pending job it’s best to accept it as soon as you are able.
*On the flip side, if you’re unable to take a pending job make sure you hit Decline otherwise we’ll keep bugging you with reminders!