Taskforce provides smoke alarm safety checks for rental properties. So, you can be hands-off while knowing your properties are safe and compliant.
We ensure your smoke alarms are correctly installed and in working order to meet the relevant legislation in your state and ensure your property insurance isn’t affected.
Taskforce provides regular checks which include:
Testing alarms and their volume
The replacement of faulty or expired smoke detectors
The installation of additional alarms where necessary
An assessment of the positioning of alarms
Battery replacement
Check-up of expiry dates
Keeping your property compliant with smoke alarm checks

Without a working smoke alarm, your properties and the people living there are at risk.
Every Australian state has its own legislation when it comes to smoke alarms. In Victoria, for example, it’s compulsory to have a smoke alarm on every level of a residential building, and the devices must comply with Australian standards AS3786. Regular smoke detector checks are non-negotiable.
Residential buildings include: Houses and villas; Boarding houses; guest houses and hostels; Sole occupancy units; like flats and apartments; Community housing; Dwelling in non-residential properties such as shops.
As the Residential Rental Provider, it is the landlord’s legal responsibility to ensure smoke alarms are installed correctly and are in full working order. Victorian law stipulates that these must be checked on an annual basis, with batteries replaced and new units installed where required.
That’s why regular smoke alarm safety checks in rental properties are so important.
Smoke alarm safety checks in rental properties: What you need to know

Since 2014, Taskforce has been on a mission to make rental properties easier and more affordable to manage. Our mission is to provide quality services and give peace of mind that your properties are safe and compliant.
Our smoke alarm check service is just one part of that, and we’ve shaped our service to suit your needs. Cost and convenience are two top priorities.
We combine home smoke alarm inspections with gas and electrical safety checks to save time and money for you, and minimise disruption for tenants.
Smoke detector checks done right
We’re proud of our Taskforce Team
Our trades are fully trained, knowledgeable and friendly - they take pride in their work, show up when they say they will and get the job done without a fuss.
Ask us about smoke alarm testing for your rental properties
Find out more about our Easy Pay Loyalty pricing when combining your regular safety checks, or Pay as you Go smoke alarm checks as you need them for residential properties.
Talk to Taskforce and we’ll clear up your queries.