Rental Minimum Standards
Rental properties have 14 categories of minimum standards which they must meet before the property is listed for rent. Failure to comply is a criminal offence and can result in hefty fines for owners - up to $57,000 for companies and $11,000 for individuals - and a listing on a non-compliance register for property managers.
Please note: Meeting these standards does not exclude an owner from mandatory gas, electrical and smoke alarm safety checks.
For full details for each category visit our
FAQ pages or download our brochure.
Or click below to book a Rental Minimum Standards check.
>> must have a washbasin and shower or bath, be connected to a reasonable supply of cold and hot water, and showers must have a water efficiency rating.
Electrical Safety
>> must have modern switchboards, with circuit breakers and electrical safety switches (otherwise known as residual current devices - RCD, RCCB or RCBO) installed.
>> must have a fixed heater (not portable) in good working order in the main living room. For rental agreements entered into from 29/3/23 this must be an energy efficient heater.
>> must have a kitchen with a dedicated cooking and food prep area, sink in good working order with hot and cold water, and a stovetop in good working order that has 2+ burners.
>> must be connected to a reasonable supply of hot and cold water (if there is a laundry on the property)
>> must have access to light to make inside rooms, corridors and hallways functional.
>> must have functioning deadlocks (or locks that can be unlocked with a key from the outside but unlocked without one from the inside) on the property's external entry doors.
Mould and damp
>> must be free from mould and damp in all rooms.
Structural soundness
>> must be in good working order and in a separate room in the property, either by itself or in an appropriate room such as a bathroom or laundry.
>> must have adequate ventilation in all habitable rooms including bathroom, shower, toilet and laundry.
>> must have a bin for rubbish and separate bin for recycling, either provided by the local council or purchased elsewhere (so long as they are vermin proof and meet council collection standards).

Let us help.
Click below to download our Rental Minimum Standards brochures or Rental Minimum Standards Authorisation form.
Prices vary from provider to provider but can reach close to $400+GST for a property.
A RentSafe Rental Minimum Standards check costs $149+GST regardless of the size of your property.*
It provides you with a detailed and easy to read report with a summary of compliance and clarity of the status of your property across all 14 categories - all within 24hrs of the inspection. Should any areas be non-compliant, our report will be followed by a no-obligation to rectify the issues in question. (*Excludes Rooming Houses - call us on 1300 818 138 for a quote)
There is no legal requirement to engage an external provider and an individual can undertake a check themselves - however some categories cannot be assessed properly without specialised equipment and knowledge.
Our inspectors are experienced, thorough and equipped with the right tools for the job. Within 24hrs of the check, you’ll have a detailed and easy to read report with a summary of compliance and clarity of the status of your property across all 14 categories.
Listing a property which falls below the standards is a criminal offence, and can result in penalties for both owner AND property manager.
Responsibility for a property meeting Rental Minimum Standards ultimately lies with the owner, who is the Residential Rental Provider. It is the owner who must sign off on the property meeting these standards as part of a lease agreement.
Property Managers have a duty of care to inform owners of this responsibility, and where a property is listed which doesn't meet the standards both owner AND Property Manager are subject to penalties.
Owners can face maximum fines of $57,000 if the property is owned by a company and $11,000 for individuals. Property Managers face their agency being listed on the Rental Non-Compliance Register at
A rental property must meet all 14 categories of Rental Minimum Standards prior to the property being advertised for rent. There are considerations to take account of when timing your Rental Minimum Standards check as certain categories cannot be assessed when utilities aren't connected between tenancy agreements - read our article here about booking checks for a vacant property.
Listing a property which falls below the standards is a criminal offence and can result in penalties for both owner AND Property Manager, and if the property falls below standards at any time during the rental period then the tenant can request an urgent repair to meet the standards so we suggest keeping on top of the categories of compliance during your regular inspections.

Are you in Tasmania?
Click below to download our brochure outlining Tasmanian Rental Minimum Standards and our inspection services.